This fall the labor market in Ukraine has revived. The largest number of vacancies in October was registered in the Kyiv region, as well as in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Odesa and Dnipropetrovsk provinces.
However, its volume decreased at the end of October by 10-15%. The main factors that had their impact on this occurrence were missile strikes and disruptions in energy supply. The labor market has not collapsed, though. Better still, in some regions salaries have grown. The increase in vacancies in August stood at 20%, in September it was 16% while in October it reached a mere 0,3%.
Here are the leading categories with the largest number of vacancies:
- Service sector;
- Blue-collar jobs, production;
- Sales. Purchases. Retail;
- Tourism. Hotels and restaurants.
According to researches, there is a growing number of people willing to work remotely. According to analytical data, the median salary in October stood at about 380 USD, which means that it has effectively not changed compared to recent months.
Benefits for the unemployed in war times
Since April 21 all issues related to the obtaining of the status of an unemployed person and living on the dole have been regulated by a special law. A special simplified procedure has been put in place designed to help internally displaced persons (IDPs) without IDs obtain the status of an unemployed person. Also, this law regulates the issues related to attaching the status of an unemployed person to IDPs, even those whose employment has previously been terminated.
Fluctuations on the recruitment market
While at the end of April the number of vacancies dropped by 20% (according to analysts), in June it surged by 20% compared to the previous month. In July the rate went up by another 14%. Interestingly, most popular vacancies were the ones open for sales managers and retail specialists.
At the end of June (again, according to analysts), 40% of Ukrainians resumed fulfilling their working responsibilities.
According to analytical data, as of early October over one third of Ukrainians lost their jobs. Compared to 2021, the employment rate shrank by 15,5%, i.e. 2,4 million jobs. According to official statistics, as of the beginning of October 2022, 260 Ukrainians were jobless. For each vacancy there are 8 unemployed competitors.
The government is intent on engaging unemployed Ukrainians in the so-called ‚army of recovery‘. Remuneration for this engagement will be equal to the minimum wage in Ukraine (about 170 USD).